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    Client Videos to Grow Your Firm!

    Market your firm in a new, modern way with TaxVid, easy-to-use customized client videos proven to cut through the marketing clutter and grow your tax & accounting firm.

    2023 Tax Videos

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    2023 Tax Videos
  • 2023 Tax Highlights

    Clients are either not thinking about this year's tax obligation or are unaware of what is changing. Yet no one wants surprises. This video can help!

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  • Bonus Life Events videos!

    When you order the All Access Video Package, get three bonus Life Events videos. These videos explain how taxes are affected by common life events like marriage, divorce and a new birth..

    Utilize these videos to generate conversations with clients and prospects as they journey through a variety of life events.

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    Life Events
    videos now


Video topics

All videos are customized for your firm with a short introduction and conclusion which includes your logo, company information, brand colors, and “Contact Us” button for clients and prospects to email you directly from the video.

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2022 Individual Tax Highlights

Clients are either not thinking about this year's tax obligation or are unaware of what is changing. Yet no one wants surprises. This video can help!


2022 Business Tax Highlights

More 1099s. New state PTET. Meal benefits and added depreciation. Everything your business clients need to know. This video will help.


Taxes & Virtual Currency

Clients are wading into the land of virtual currency, often without a clue of their tax obligations. This video can help.


Top 5 Reasons to File Early

Too often you receive a call from a client who needs you to drop everything to file an early tax return. This video can help get ahead of that problem.


The 1099-K Nightmare

Clients are making and receiving payments from popular tools like Venmo. Now much of it is being reported to the IRS... You need to get ahead of this mess before tax filing season.


Fixing Errors on 1099s

How often are you trying to figure out how to correct a 1099 reporting error on a tax return. This video helps clients find errors quickly and get them corrected before it is too late.


Tax Gems Everyone Should Know

Wow! This is tax stuff everyone should know, but rarely thinks about. And often the start of lowering tax is knowing these tidbits, so you can manage your experience with the taxes you pay.


Identifying Tax Scams

Every one of your clients needs repeated coaching on how to avoid scams. This video will help you do just that.


Tips for Reviewing your Tax Return

This video is meant to help clients review their tax return prior to efiling. It provides a simple review process that is sure to help eliminate headaches caused by missing and inaccurate information.


Debt Collection: Know Your Rights

When you receive a threat to collect a debt, what can you do? The first place to start is to know your rights. Here are the basics.


Not Everything is Taxed

So much of conversation with clients is bad news. Yes, your tax bill is higher. No, that is not deductible. This video provides hope, and encourages a planful approach to managing a future tax bill.


Understanding Depreciation Recapture

It almost never fails to surprise clients when depreciation recapture is involved. A sold building that looks like a loss can easily create a taxable event! This video attempts to help clients understand the basics of depreciation recapture in a light hearted way.


Tips to Organize Your Tax Records

Here are some simple tips to help preparing your tax return less of a chore. And if you do nothing else... follow this one tip.


This Simple Idea Can Save Thousands

Too often taxes paid during retirement are too high simply because tax planning is not understood. Here is a simple way to ensure your clients are ahead of the game...and the tax man!


Understanding the 1099-NEC

Beginning in 2020, nonemployee compensation must now be reported on 1099-NEC. While the 1099-MISC does not go away, using the wrong form is going to cause problems. This video can help clarify the inevitable confusion.


Understanding Head of Household Rules

Most of the time Head of Household is easy to use, but when it is in contention, it wastes time, creates confusion and ultimately loses a potentially lower tax.


Secrets to Maximize Social Security

Want a larger monthly check from Social Security? Here's how.


Tax Terms: Unearned Income

Your unearned income is ripe for overpaying income tax. But not if you understand what to look for and ask questions


Understanding the Kiddie Tax

Your clients' understanding of Kiddie Tax can be a long-term tax savings tool. It can also be a huge, unpopular tax surprise. This video can help create understanding.


New Retirement Rules

Deep within the pages of a government funding bill are changes to popular retirement plan rules. Here is what your clients will need to know.


4 Common Tax Surprises

The worst news you can give a client is a surprising tax bill. This video helps head off 4 of the most common areas of tax surprises faced by most clients.


Retirement can be Taxing!

Most clients do not realize the tremendous tax burden that occurs during their retirement years. This video gives four key areas where they could use your help.


Tax Terms: Effective Tax Rate

Lost in the noise of refunds or a tax bill when filing a tax return is the true tax paid by your clients. Understanding how to calculate the effective tax rate based on the amount of tax actually paid, is the starting point for developing tax reduction strategies for all your clients.


Tax Credit vs Deduction

Tired of explaining the difference between a tax credit and a deduction? This enjoyable, light hearted, video clarifies the difference in a very memorable way!


Tax Terms: Marginal Tax Rate

Use this video to help your clients understand what the marginal tax rate is and how they can use it to their advantage.


Tax-Free Rental Property

The opportunities for tax free income are pretty limited. With the advent of easy web-based rental tools, everyone should know about this one!


The IRS Loves Businesses

Too often, businesses make unwitting mistakes that are paid for when the IRS scrutinizes their taxes and business practices. The good news? The IRS is up front with you on what is in their audit focus. Now there is a video that helps you communicate this with your valued small business clients.


Five Yearly Tax Essentials

Here's a video your clients should view each year. These 5 topics are sure to catch the unwary taxpayer, but with a quick review it can save both you AND your client time and money.


Tax Terms: Contemporaneous

Clients need to be fully aware of their documentation obligations. Mess up here and you lose lots of time and sleep trying to explain why the IRS disallowed a deduction.


The New World of Deductions: What Everyone Needs to Know

This video takes an in-depth look at the new rules surrounding itemized deductions.


Proving Your Deductions

Helps clients understand what is needed to document and defend their deductions.


The Child Tax Credit

Help clients learn how the recent changes to the Child Tax Credit affect them.


Ideas to Audit-Proof Your Tax Return

Sometimes the best defense in an audit is knowing how to prepare. Here are some great client ideas.


Make the Most of Your Donations

Non-cash donations can really reduce a client's tax obligation, but only if they know the rules.


Should You Delay Your Social Security

You can begin taking Social Security Retirement benefits from age 62 to age 70. When should your clients start? Every situation is different and this TaxVid tries to help.


How Long Should I Save It?

How long do I keep this? This video describes the Federal recordkeeping guidelines.


Five Great Tax Secrets

Clients overlook tax deductions. Here are five things every client should know.


The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act: Recap

Use this video to keep your clients on course and explain the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act changes in more depth.


Expansion of Child Tax Credit

The new Child Tax Credit currently in place for 2021, introduces tons of changes and multiple variables. This video is a great recap that will help save you tons of time explaining this credit.

3 Bonus Life Events Videos!

When you order an all-access subscription you'll get three BONUS Life Events videos!
Each video is under a minute and addresses some big life events and how they affect taxes.


Life Events: Marriage

Help clients understand the tax impacts of getting married.

Get my all access package!

Life Events: A New Birth

Help clients understand the tax impacts of having a baby.

Get my all access package!

Life Events: Divorce

Help clients understand the tax impacts of divorce.

Get my all access package!
Barney waving

How it works

  1. You order the videos
  2. Within minutes, the videos will be customized for your firm
  3. You can immediately start using your videos through the TaxVid service portal!

We host the videos and updates throughout the year are included in your subscription.

Easy to use

We make it really, really easy to use your videos. In just a few clicks, you can:

  • Share on social media
  • Email to clients and prospects
  • Post to your website
  • Play in your lobby

No technical expertise is needed!

Audtitor at desk

Automatically adjusts to fit any device

Your branded videos automatically adjust to fit any devices your clients use, including: desktops, laptops, smartphones, and tablets.

Laptop, desktop, smartphone, tablet

Why use video?

Adding video to your website and/or emails is a great way to engage clients and get better response rates. Stand out among other tax professionals by offering short, informative tax-related videos which engage clients and prompt them to contact you with any questions or concerns.

200-300%: The amount a video can increase open and click-through rates for your emails
20% Increase in conversion rate when a video is on your home page